Parking Information for ODU's Goode Theatre — Virginia Stage Company

Parking Information for ODU's Goode Theatre

We've gotten a lot of questions about directions and parking near the Goode Theatre at ODU from those of you coming to see I Sing the Rising Sea. Now, we know that not everyone will be heading to the Goode from the Wells, so here is the information you'll need for directions:

The Theatre's street address is: 4601 Monarch Way, Norfolk, VA 23529.

The Goode Theatre is located on the corner of 46th Street & Monarch Way. 

The nearest parking garage available can be found between 46th and 45th streets off of Hampton Blvd. There are meter spaces on the perimeter of the 2nd level, which are controlled by a multi-space meter located at the stair tower on the south side of the facility. When parking in a metered space, you must pay before leaving the garage. Each parking space is individually numbered. Enter the space number at the multi-space meter when you pay. (Meters are not enforces on Saturdays and Sundays.)

(For more details on ODU parking and meter directions, click here.)

Monarch Way is lined with street parking, which is also metered. ODU meters are enforced year round, 7AM to 10PM, Monday through Friday.