This Week's Virtual Stage Lineup (5/5-5/11) — Virginia Stage Company

This Week's Virtual Stage Lineup (5/5-5/11)

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Virtual Monologue Coaching Sessions
May 1 - May 29, between 10 AM - 4 PM

with Patrick Mullins, Director of Public Works Virginia or Ryan Clemens, Virginia Stage Company’s Lead Teaching Artist


Getting ready for audition season? Self submissions? College or Grad School Auditions? Sign up for a personalized monologue coaching session with Virginia Stage Artists. In this session, you and one other actor will be given feedback on a monologue to help take things to the next level! Note: While you do not need to be an advanced actor for this custom session, you do need to have a monologue fully memorized and ready to perform.

Email Patrick Mullins with questions

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020 11:00 AM

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 2:00 PM

with Ryan Clemens, VSC Lead Teaching Artist

FREE, REGISTRATION REQUIRED - Click the titles above to register.

Don’t let your skills get dull while you stay in. Join us as in an exploration of the GOTE technique (Goal-Other-Tactic-Expectation):

In this beginning/intermediate acting class we’ll cover:

  • Where did GOTE come from?

  • How do I stay spontaneous in a pre-written scene?

  • What makes acting compelling?

  • Why keeps me from sounding plastic?

All you need is a device that can access Google Hangouts Meet, a monologue, and a sense of adventure!

Length of class:  45 with 15 minute Q&A

Email Patrick Mullins with questions

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The Secret to Sides - Audition Workshop with Jessica Holt
Wednesday, May 13, 3:30 PM

with Jessica Holt, Director of VSC’s Sense & Sensibility, Fun Home, and Venus in Fur


This skills-building workshop equips the actor with a set of practical tools to unlock the secrets of the audition side -- whether it’s a prepared read or a cold read --- to not only succeed but thrive during auditions.

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Artist Self Care Virtual Sharing Session (weekly)
Thursday, May 7, 5:30 PM

We'd love to hear from artists, arts administrators, and art supporters about what they are doing to make it through this challenging period. We’ll be hosting a round table of folks sharing what gets them through the day. This is a place where all artists are welcome to come and share their victories, their challenges, and their struggles. We do ask that you come with a heart full of empathy and a desire to share love and joy with other artmakers. BYOB. Or Tea. Or whatever you'd like, it's after 5 o'clock!

FREE, REGISTER to get the link: