Help Us Win Thousands by Donating Just $10! — Virginia Stage Company

Help Us Win Thousands by Donating Just $10!

May 3, 2016 is Give Local 757, the largest fundraising event in Hampton Roads, which aims to raise $1 million for regional nonprofits. With a minimum donation of just $10, you can show your support for Virginia Stage Company (your favorite arts organization) by helping us get more unique donations than any other arts and culture nonprofit!

Best Times to Give

1. Between 7am - 8am

Stuck in traffic on your way to work? Use this time to help us win extra cash with the Early Commute Prize.

2. Between 9am - 10am

Grab a cup of Joe and take a moment to give to VSC so that we can win the Coffee Break Prize.

3. Anytime before 12pm

Don't have time to contribute during the above-mentioned hours? Don't worry - you can still help win the You're Halfway There prize by donating anytime before noon.

4. Between 12pm - 2pm

Help us win the Lunch Break Prize by donating to VSC over lunch.

5. Between 3pm - 3:30pm

Need a quick break from work? Use this short time window to give so that we can win the Afternoon Sprint Prize.

6. Between 5pm - 7pm

Make a $10 donation as you sip on your happy hour beverage of choice, adding to our chances of winning the Happy Hour Prize.

Carlin Becker is the Marketing Associate at Virginia Stage Company.