We went live on Facebook last night for the first of our PARCHMAN HOUR Community Events, Plays, Protests, and Parchman Prison: History as a Call to Action saw Parchman playwright and director, Mike Wiley, spoke about why he felt called to write this play, his connection to history, and the urgency behind getting these stories told.
Tune in below, then scroll down to see the schedule for all of our Parchman special events!
Post Show Discussions
All discussions are free and open to the public.
Moderated Small Group Discussions
Join us in the Tazewell Lounge after the show for sweets, decaf coffee, and a post-show chat with actors and artists and community leaders. Presented with support from Virginia Inclusive Communities.
Friday, October 27 | Friday, November 3 | Saturday, November 4 (evening show)
Friday, November 10 | Saturday, November 11 (evening show)
Post Show Panel Discussions
Freedom Riders, Sit-ins, and Tidewater
Sunday, October 29, 4:30pm
Terrance Afer-Anderson
Dr. Cassandra Newby Alexander
Dr. William H. Alexander
Dr. Charles Ford
Tom Quaintance, Producing Artistic Director of Virginia Stage Company
Protest Then & Now - Looking at Protests from the Civil Rights Movement and Today
Thursday, November 2, 9:30pm
Charm Bullard, Director of Programs, Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities →
Anthony Stockard, Producing Artistic Director of NSU Theatre Company →
Susan Bro, (Mother of Heather Heyer) Heather Heyer Foundation →
Ed Ladd, Sit-in Protestor →
Dr. William Ward, Former Mayor of Chesapeake →
Persons of Protest
Sunday, November 5, 4:30pm
Join us in conversation with people from the field - the folks who have participated in protests in the 60’s through today.
Barbara Hamm Lee, Executive Producer and Host of Another View on WHRO →
Dr. Catherine Turner, one of the Norfolk 17
Bobby Blatt, Freedom Rider
Ed Ladd, Sit-in Protestor →