Fun Home — Blog — Virginia Stage Company

Fun Home

The Virginian-Pilot Review of FUN HOME by Mal Vincent

The Virginian-Pilot Review of FUN HOME by Mal Vincent

“ it a complex venture in meaningful theater. FUN HOME is a brave choice for the Virginia Stage Company. It puts daring back on the boards at the Wells Theatre... FUN HOME gets you to care about these ordinary people on the hunt for a genuine life and acceptance on a personal and social level. This musical production will inspire deep soul-searching. In some ways, it is the delayed start of the new theater season."

VEERmag PREVIEW: Connecting With Fun Home

When director Jessica Holt and Virginia Stage Company’s producing artistic director, Tom Quaintance, met in New York City last year to discuss the possibility of her directing Fun Home, the Tony Award-winning musical based upon Alison Bechdel’s highly acclaimed graphic memoir…